
Henry A. Green


Scholarship Recipients

Diamond Jackson's Headshot

Diamond Jackson

Fall ’22 Scholarship Recipient

Hometown:  Inkster, MI
Major: Nursing
Instrument(s): Trombone & Flute
Classification: Senior

Diamond Jackson, a senior from Inkster, Michigan, is a trombone and flute player for the Kentucky State University Band Program.

With a 3.3 GPA, she excels academically as a nursing major.

Diamond plans to go straight into her career field after graduation. After a year of experience, she plans on taking travel jobs.

She always wanted to attend a HBCU. Combined with MMT’s ability to put on spectacular shows, K-State was the perfect choice for her. Since arriving, she has grown to love the calm life that Frankfort provides.

Diamond Jackson's Headshot

Destiny Mullins

Spring ’23 Scholarship Recipient

Hometown:  Louisville, KY
Major: Nursing
Instrument(s): Clarinet
Classification: Senior

Destiny Mullins, a senior from Louisville, Kentucky, is a clarinet player for the Mighty Marching Thorobreds Band.

With a 3.3 GPA, she excels academically as a nursing major with a minor in psychology. Along with furthering her education in nursing, Destiny plans to work in child care or a hospital after graduation.

She values the supportive and close-knit community at KSU, which has fueled her personal and musical growth. Her passion for music and her dedication to helping others shape her journey toward a purposeful future.